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Christian Coaching From Christ's Love

As the world celebrated Valentine’s Day this month, I am reflecting on the blessing of knowing the One True Source of authentic Love — Jesus.

It’s His love that compels us to compassion in action.

To Kingdom perspective.

To love without agendas.

And that’s what makes Christian Coaching so beautiful — His perfect love is the foundation — and that is powerful!

His Love Leads Us to Love Others

We see the fruit of His presence and the transforming power of His love through Christian Coaching. As we receive His love, it overflows to our clients.

The Lord’s love cultivates a growing passion to coach the Lord’s people to a vibrant relationship with Him. A relationship where they can be still with Him and hear His voice, trusting that He has gone before them and is guiding their steps.

Let’s examine how that looks:

Christ’s Love: The Foundation of Christian Coaching

In life coaching, the client is encouraged to look inside themselves for direction. Yet, our Christian clients have the power of the Holy Spirit to guide them, so we can coach them from a foundation of Christ, securely rooted in His love.

People seek out Christian Coaching because they are wrestling with uncertainty and will ask questions such as:

· How can I discover my purpose?

· How can I fulfill my purpose?

· How do I know if I am moving in the right direction?

· How can I get unstuck?

Your clients often come to you feeling confused, paralyzed, and unsure about the next steps for their lives.

Reintroducing them to God’s lavish love helps your client establish a foundation on which their identity and fellowship with God can be built.


Our beliefs and actions flow from what we believe about our identity. And as a Christian Coach, you have the privilege of empowering your clients to experience an intimate relationship with God. Their deepening relationship with Him increasingly anchors their identity in Christ.

1 John 3:1 says, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And this is what we are!”

In Christian Coaching, you have the joy of witnessing your clients receive God’s lavishing love as they grow secure in their identity as children of God!

Fellowship With God

As clients’ identity strengthens, they are ushered into fellowship with God and learn to listen for His voice. “God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9)

As your clients grow in God’s love, their identity, and their fellowship with Him, they now have the tools needed to continue the coaching process — and you begin to see changes. Their countenance brightens and their confidence increases.

You are a witness to them flourishing in Christ!

And that is the joy of Christian Coaching!

Learn More About Becoming a Christian Coach

Would you like to learn more about becoming a Christian Coach and help others live an abundant life in Christ? The Center for Christian Coaching offers Christian Coach training and certification through our ICF accredited program. Contact us today to learn more. You can also try out a free live intro class.


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