When a new year begins, do you like to take inventory of the previous year and ask the Lord what He has in store for you in the new year?
Perhaps you also ask Him to give you a word or mission statement for the new year.
It’s common and healthy to pause and assess if the path you’re on is still right for you — or if you should change direction. But how do you know? Thankfully, as a Christian, you have the benefit of the Holy Spirit guiding you and the ability to hear Jesus’ voice; as He says in John 10:27, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
Are you wondering if He’s calling you to Christian Life Coaching in 2022?

Christian Life Coaches Are in High Demand
You’re probably reading this because you sense a tug on your heart to empower others by becoming a certified Christian life coach. The good news is that Christian life coaches are in high demand. A study by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) revealed a 33% increase in coach practitioners since 2015, and their recent follow-up research shows that coaching practices are busy.
It’s no surprise that people worldwide are struggling to figure out how to pivot direction after experiencing significant change in their work, learning, and social lives. Many have suddenly needed to work from home or change careers altogether. Some have asked if God sees them or cares about the decisions they are trying to make.
As a result, the need for practical support has placed a high demand on life coaches. As a life coach, you partner with your clients utilizing coaching tools you will learn, including:
· How to coach people in times of crisis, change, and transition
· Helping clients overcome their blocks, fears, and insecurities
· Helping your clients determine their goals and steps to achieve them
As a Christian Life Coach, you also offer your clients eternal value; in addition to practical tools, you get the reward of providing eternal value as you assist them to:
· Experience His Good News
· Explore their relationship with God
· Grow in understanding of His nature
· Discover His purpose for them
· Deepen their intimacy with God
· Learn to listen to His voice
· Apply their faith and trust in God in everyday situations
· Experience His deep love for them
Is God Calling You To Become a Certified Life Coach in 2022?
The Center for Christian Coaching offers Christian coach training and certification through our ICF accredited program. Contact us today to learn more and discover if God is calling you to Christian life coaching in 2022.