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Thankful for the Thorns

Ever had one of those difficult days where everything goes wrong? Have you ever had that stretch out longer than a day? I could recount story after story of why this had been such a difficult month – broken appliances, health difficulties, car troubles, etc. It seemed like this month would never end.

To top it off, we had experienced a strong windstorm during the night. There were tree branches down in the yard, knocked over flowerpots, and then I spotted that my one beautiful rose bush was wiped out. The stems were still there but the actual roses had been blown off the bush. All I had left were some stems full of thorns.

Who wants to look at that? It was like one big ugly bouquet of thorns!

Then the Lord began to reveal to me it was a perfect picture of this difficult month I had been having.

The thorns told a story of the hardships that I had experienced, and it hadn’t been a pretty month at all.

But as I stared at those thorns, I realized that each stem painted another picture altogether. Through every difficult event, there were lessons I had learned.

I saw that through each of those trials, God was there and present and still loved me. That had never changed.

I saw how faithful He had been to provide answers and solutions through every difficulty.

I saw how I had turned to prayer even more than usual and how the Lord used that to fill my heart with peace.

I saw that even though each separate event had an impact on my day, they didn’t have an impact on my forever.

At that moment, it hit me: What if He had allowed these events to remind me of just that.

The One who wore the crown of thorns was still in love with me and carrying me through the pretty days and the not-so-pretty days of this life.

My heart began to soar with thankfulness.

Every thorn is a chance for Him to display His faithfulness!

The Lord loves to remind us Whose We Are.

As a Christian Life Coach, you can be the one to help others as they walk through this challenging journey of life. You can help them move forward and be reminded about God’s goodness, His love and the faithfulness He displays every day.

Contact us today to discover how you can lead others to see those bouquets of thorns as opportunities to live out gratitude and thanksgiving because of Jesus.


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