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Who Could I Help?

Are you considering becoming a Christian Life Coach but don’t think you know anyone who could benefit from your coaching? You might be surprised to hear about some areas of concentration for Christian Life Coaching.

Here are 5 groups that are looking for Christ-centered Life Coaching today and the challenges they are facing:

Blended Families – Some of the challenges that Blended Families face include:

Conflicts between stepparents and stepchildren

Disagreements from new family rules

Stress from co-parenting issues

Caregivers - Some of the challenges that Caregivers face are:

Feeling isolated from the outside world

Stress of being responsible for a loved one’s health issues

Financial burden of not being able to work due to caring for a loved one

Military Spouses - Some of the challenges that Military Spouses face include:

Lengthy separations from deployed spouse

Frequency of relocating and having to build new friendships

Feelings of isolation

Empty Nesters - Some of the challenges that Empty Nesters face are:

Establishing a new type of relationship with now-adult children

Reconnecting with spouse after years of sharing the home with children

Filling the void in the daily routine created by absent children

God-Seekers - Some of the challenges that God-Seekers face are:

Feeling empty and searching for more in life

Having obstacles that keep them from seeking the Lord

Lack of encouragement to embrace God’s presence

That last category, helping others begin or strengthen a relationship with Christ, is the most important thing we can do as coaches.

Watching someone experience God’s movement in their lives leave all of us awe-struck.

As you can see, there are people from all walks of life who need you. You may have walked through some of these challenges yourself, and the Lord is able to use that as you minister to clients.

The coaching skills you learn at the Center for Christian Coaching will help you work with any of these groups. In fact, our curriculum will allow you to work with any and all of these groups.

You’ll be able to help them seek God’s vision for their lives, establish their core values which will guide their decisions, and learn how to create specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound goals.

Resting in God’s guidance, you’ll be able to help them find freedom from barriers that keep them from moving forward. They can create action steps that will allow them to take meaningful actions every day.

People are searching for someone who is surrendered to God’s call to serve others in love.

People are searching for you. What are you waiting for?

Contact us today at the Center for Christian Coaching today to begin your journey to become a Certified Christian Life Coach.


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