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What is Christian Life Coaching?

Christian Coaching is the art and practice of enabling individuals and groups to move from where they are to where God wants them to be. Gary R. Collins, PhD. author of "Christian Coaching."

It’s also designed to:

  • Help people define and explore  their unique relationship with God and His purpose for them.

  • Practically apply their faith and trust in God in everyday situations

  • Help and support others in times of Crisis, Change and Transition

  • Help your clients  deepen their intimacy with God and learn to listen to His voice

  • Assist your Client with overcoming their Barriers, Fears and Insecurities

  • Help others to find their unique motivation and move forward in their lives

  • What is coaching?
    The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional goals.”
  • How can coaching and spirituality work together?
    The Christian Coach helps others to unlock the power of God in their lives to resolve life challenges and create amazing results. A Christian Coach will ask specific, well-placed questions that will help the client find a more eternal purpose and move from trying to fulfill personal agendas to pursuing God’s plan and purpose.
  • How does coaching work?
    Coaching is about working from the “inside-out” to help people move forward in their lives. Coaches use powerful questions and tools to help their clients gain clarity and find their own answers. We create a space for vulnerability and structure that helps people to feel held accountable to go out and create the future that they are being called to fulfill.
  • What are some of the benefits of receiving coaching?
    Coaching is designed to: • Help people define and explore their unique relationship with God and His purpose for them • Practically apply their faith and trust in God in everyday situations • Coach People in times of Crisis, Change, and Transition • Help your clients deepen their intimacy with God and learn to listen to His voice • Assist your Client with overcoming their Blocks, Fears, and Insecurities • Learn how to Motivate and Inspire your Client to move forward in faith.
  • What are some of the tools that I will be given to help my clients?
    CCC will provide Christian Coach training and certification. Our ICF accredited program will teach you all of the skills needed to coach like a pro. Also, you’ll receive individual time with your instructor as well as customizable forms, worksheets, assessments tools and methodology to use in your own practice.
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